

[LeetCode] 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted

Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted - Given a 1-indexed array of integers numbers that is already sorted in non-decreasing order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. Let these two n leetcode.com int 배열 numbers와 tartget 숫자가 주어지면 numbers안에 요소 2개를 더해 target이 되는 인덱스들을 반환하는 문제입니다. ..


[LeetCode] 125. Valid Palindrome

https://leetcode.com/problems/valid-palindrome/description/?envType=study-plan-v2&envId=top-interview-150 Valid Palindrome - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Valid Palindrome - A phrase is a palindrome if, after converting all uppercase letters into lowercase letters and removing all non-alphanumeric characters, it reads the same forward and backward. Alphanumeric cha leetcod..


[LeetCode] 55. Jump Game

Jump Game - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Jump Game - You are given an integer array nums. You are initially positioned at the array's first index, and each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Return true if you can leetcode.com int 배열이 주어지면 배열의 첫번째 인덱스부터 점프해서 마지막 인덱스까지 도달할 수 있는지 확인하는 문제입니다. 배열의 각 요소는 해당 위치에서 최대 점프 길이를 나타냅니다 predicate..


[LeetCode] 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - You are given an integer array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. On each day, you may decide to buy and/or sell the stock. You can only hold leetcode.com 바로 이전글에서 풀었던 문제와 같은 주제의 문제입니다. 주식을 사고파는데 수익을 얻을수 있다면 무조건 사고파는 로직을 구현해야합니다. 문제 접근 단..

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